Social Media Managment for Government and Public Safety

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How do you know which social media conversations are most relevant? And how can you turn them into a positive citizen experience creating new outreach opportunities?

The entire World is now Online

Many tools are available for monitoring social media conversations. However, you still need to sift through the thousands of posts provided by these listening engines to discern the really important conversations — ones that are actionable in a measurable way. Without such a capability today, you have a significant blind spot in your social media intelligence. Or, if you’re having your department manually review thousands of posts, you’re wasting valuable resources time. Avaya Social Media Manager addresses this challenge head-on. With it, you can connect seamlessly to social media channels detecting those social media conversations that directly relate to your agency, municipality, citizens and even local events.

You can filter, distill and analyze social media posts, identifying those that are most important to your agency, and most importantly, actionable.

  • These messages are automatically distributed to the appropriate personnel or Public Information Officer (PIO) specialists located anywhere in your agency who are best qualified to respond.
  • And, best of all, those mentions and responses can easily be tracked and reported on through your Avaya Contact Center reporting tools.

With these capabilities, you reduce the risk of missing vital public posts and tweets. You maintain a more consistent omni-channel citizen experience through all public touch points — voice, e-mail, Web or video chat, and social media channels. You can identify new community relationship opportunities while measuring the impact of social media on your agency. Social Media Manager effectively becomes a focal point for all your social citizen interactions, helping you elevate the constituent experience, while automating the immediate identification of public relations opportunities.

Intelligent filtering and classifying

Social Media Manager applies customizable filters to social media mentions to eliminate spam, analyze mention relevancy and classify by language and other attributes such as sentiment. It also classifies social media mentions using social (external) or internal context, thereby providing a more complete picture of the public and a clearer understanding of how the social media contact is taking place:

  • Social context might include a constituent’s activity level on Facebook or Twitter, influence or social following or even post history or location.
  • Internal context could involve accessing your agency’s Records Management Systems (RMS) or databases for things such as previous incident history or a local citizen profile.

In these ways, social media mentions are correlated with other information to give you a broader snapshot of the public user and a clearer understanding of context at the exact time you interact with them, enabling you to provide improved levels of service. Social Media Manager also allows you to link to other municipal applications to identify potential opportunities of interaction with each constituent. Based on this analysis and categorization, Social Media Manager routes the mention to the function within your agency or municipal government that is best equipped to respond, such as Department of Public Works, Parks and Recreation or Public Safety. With Social Media Manager, all these variables are handled automatically so that governments can respond quickly and with the appropriate specialist skill level and the right message.

One comment

  1. I definitely agree that the whole world is now online which means that most of the transactions these days are happening online. Some government agencies should also catch up when it comes to using social media conversations and services for faster and hassle-free transactions with their customers. Through the use of social media manager, your department will save more time because they will no longer review thousands of post manually. In this case, your department will be more productive on doing other task.

    There are many more benefits when it comes to incorporating social media management services into your work force, there will be more public relations opportunities for your agency and it will increase citizen interactions. Other than that, it makes your agency provide better service. Since the main goal of every agency is to make customers happy and satisfied. There might be many tools you can use but it’s better to read through and identify which tool suites your agencies needs.


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